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Release Notes

May 2024

Release Notes:


  • Updated Factory Tasks and Configuration files

June 2023

Release Notes:


  • SPECTRONUS-227 - Refit, keep rows one-for-one when refitting

  • SPECTRONUS-310 - Refit from v10.0 to 10.1 fails

This build adds the new RefitState column to the sysvariables table and a new system variable type. The main changes to refit are

  • RefitState for a row is null or 0 by default, 1 = the row has been refitted, -1 = the row is not suitable for refit

  • Instead of deleting the rows unsuitable for fitting they are now marked as -1

  • On startup the database schema is updated to back-fill any missing rows in the diagnosticvals and systemalerts tables

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