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Instrument: 01dB (Acoem) - Duo/Fusion/Cube/Orion


The ‘live’ data on the instruments is available via HTTP every second. Good stable communications are needed in order not to lose any data points.

For the DUO/FUSION/CUBE/ORION instruments there are thresholds on the number of parameters that can be polled in a single call, exceeding these thresholds means that multiple calls per second need to be made.

Congrego should be set up to poll every second in order to get the changing values, there are however constraints on this:

  • For DUO/FUSION/CUBE/ORION - Only one Congrego logger should poll an instrument at any time, multiple data loggers may interfere unless they are requesting the same parameters on every poll.

  • For DUO/FUSION/CUBE - Polling performance is significantly impacted when requesting over 30 real-time values or 6 weather values.

  • For DUO/FUSION/CUBE - Polling performance is significantly impacted when requesting 3 sets of spectra values i.e. full or third octave.





IP address or dyndns address for the instrument e.g



Defaults to 80

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