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Met One (Acoem) 7500 MetRecord

Instrument: Met One (Acoem) 7500 MetRecord


For Met One (Acoem) instruments supporting the Download functionality in Airodis there are some configurable parameters.





On slower networks it may be necessary to make multiple read attempts when downloading large amounts of data. With a 1 second timeout between read attempts this value can be adjusted so that the driver makes multiple attempts before timing out.

Defaults to 1.

Note that increasing this value will increase the download time on every download attempt.

i.e. when set to 5 each download will take at least 5 seconds as the driver times out on each attempt.



Instruments can persist data with a timestamp denoting the start or end of the period. This parameter should match the instrument settings.

Options: Start or End (Defaults to End)

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